Oman Starts Work On 500MW Solar In Bid To Triple Renewables Capacity By 2025

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  • Oman Starts Work On 500MW Solar In Bid To Triple Renewables Capacity By 2025

Oman Starts Work On 500MW Solar In Bid To Triple Renewables Capacity By 2025

Image Source: ResearchChat

Oman’s renewable energy capacity is set to at least double by 2025. This week saw the official start of construction on EdF Renewables and Korean Western Power’s 500MW Manah I solar PV plant, whilst a second 500MW plant, Manah II is also due to break ground over the coming months. Both are slated for 2025 start up.

Oman only has one operating utility scale solar facility, with the 500MW Ibri II solar PV plant which came online in 2021 accounting for almost all of current 550MW renewables capacity. Ibri II was developed under a consortium of Acwa Power (50%), the Gulf Investment Corporation (40%) and Alternative Energy Projects (10%) and holds a 15-year long power purchase agreement with OPWP (MEES, 31 July 2020). (CONTINUED – 654 WORDS)


Source: Mees

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